- Added a force vanilla tablist option in settings.yml.
- Added Mace Support for 1.21 with a mace mode kit rule.
- Added /bolt unbreakable to mark items as unbreakable
- Fixed default bot presets not saving with prefix.
- Fixed MatchDamageListener causing a NPE breaking spectator damage logic.
- Fixed Bot preset command throwing a NPE when kits are null.
- Fixed tablist sorting for vanilla layout.
- Fixed bolt not saving unbreakable tag on items.
- Fixed event round countdown stopping at wrong count.
- Fixed people joining parties when they in tournament.
- Fixed player stuck on respawn screen when bestOf is enabled in modern versions.
- Fixed kit editor 5th slot kit not deleting.
- Fixed bot giving up on fighting the player.
Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- Only give XP if match was not forfeited.
- Made prevention of sword dropping configurable.
- Added arena "Vanilla" reset type, works on all versions using bukkit API. It is slower than chunk reset however.
- Added LunarClient TitleAPI 1.7 support.
- Added debugs to print out scoreboard and and nametag exceptions.
- Added Scoreboard combo count displaying "No Combo" placeholder ({your_combo_formatted}, {opponent_combo_formatted}}).
- Fixed Chunk reset not resetting newly created duplicates properly.
- Fixed Bot health under name display not updating.
- Fixed coloring mistake in /elo reset command.
- Fixed Tablist breaking with disguise.
- Fixed /arena setProtectionRadius command not accept "-1" as a value.
- Fixed modern clients not receiving health updates on legacy servers.
- Fixed NameTagAPI erroring for refreshing nametags in some instances.
Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- Changed default reset type to "CHUNK" with clear data after reset set to false. (This is the least lag inducing and most stable system now)
- Changed from Drink to @J4C0B3Y 's CommandAPI.
- Added dotted placeholders for pearl fight and top fight lives. (Use {
blue_lives_proper}, {red_lives_proper}
).- Added animated scoreboard title. (
)- Added a separate phoenix chat listener to allow phoenix chat limitations.
- Added a placeholder to get all queued/fighting count for solo/duo queues.
- Added a placeholder to display required wins for ranked queue.
- Added queue-parkour scoreboard lines.
- Added an option to use the next available queue for random button. (
)- Added an option to enchant in-use queue select item button. (
)- Added new optimized SkinAPI.
- Added "leaveduel" alias to Leave Command.
- Added {match_lasted} placeholder for scoreboard.
- Added Phoenix reboot handler hook. (
)- Added an option to prevent unranked win streak from getting destroyed with ranked ones. (
)- Added an option to turn off auto world saving. (
)- Added toggle-able per-arena enderpearls. (
/arena setPearlsAllowed
)- Added per arena FFA Spawn radius. (
/arena setFFARadius
)- Added a theme system like carbon's. (
/bolt theme <color>
works for{theme}, %bolt_theme%
)- Added tournament hotbar and max participants config, and forceEnd command.
- Added per cooldown configuration for cooldown message.
- Completely rewrote ScoreboardAPI from scratch.
- Optimized and re-coded NameTagAPI.
- Updated XSeries with new XSkull, XPotion and PacketEvents.
- Optimized queue list querying performance.
- Allowed parkour to be played while player is in queue.
- Changed players queued amount to fighting amount in Queue Select button.
- Rewrote visibility logic for all matches.
- Allow wool breaking if it's bed defense for fireball/bedfight.
- Allow other plugins to modify party chat message.
- Added more Modmode/vanish command to blocked commands.
- Updated SpigotAPI to support Carbon 5.0.
- Completely recoded and optimized match health display. (Major lag optimization)
- Use LightRandom for Java Randoms for more optimized seeding.
- Completely recoded match history, and statistics saving logic.
- Made Fireball/TNT yield configurable and stopped fireball from dropping blocks.
- Show "None" if there is no next level and division in menus and placeholders.
- Use proper void kill method for events.
- Use a smaller UUID for profile history to reduce MongoDB storage size.
- Use disguised proper name when unfollowing a target.
- Don't terminate a match if it's already terminating.
- Centered bottom kit editor as requested by @lightspark
- Fixed player being damaged on respawn.
- Fixed player being stuck after own-goal death.
- Fixed random visibility issues while getting in match.
- Fixed compile errors for global depends.
- Fixed BattleRush and Bridges match logic for respawning and death.
- Fixed stats not migrating properly if some stats are already migrated.
- Fixed typo in GeneralMenus combat stats config.
- Fixed being able to place block on water in TNTSumo.
- Fixed Match History/Inventory menu errors and configuration.
- Fixed NameTag turning white on join sometimes
- Fixed scoreboard not appearing on first join for some players
- Fixed item Drop logic for match.
- Fixed proper death logic not being called for jumping in your own goal.
- Fixed Kit editor glitch with editor menu items.
- Fixed Bolt preventing chunks from unloading.
- Fixed shop product menu not using proper slots.
- Fixed visibility logic for Phoenix hook.
- Fixed EffectsButton NPE in PostMatchInventory.
- Fixed NPE in BasicSoloMatch duration timestamp.
- Fixed StickFight not dropping blocks.
- Fixed null pointers in auto-updating menu when accessing the profiles cache.
- Fixed Leaderboards having an exception if division is null.
- Fixed next division not being null when all divisions are unlocked.
- Fixed potion stats being displayed even when it's not a potion match.
- Fixed void damage logic.
- Fixed event leave logic making event stuck in limbo.
- Fixed Phoenix
being delayed for NameTagAPI reload.- Fixed party duel menu having a NPE.
- Fixed spectator layout not allowed for tournament players.
- Fixed void kill not playing kill sound for special matches.
- Fixed water/lava not resetting properly with FAWE arena reset.
- Fixed CurrentMatchesMenu for /spec command.
- Fixed 1.12 Recipe iterator breaking due to unmodifiable list
- Fixed un-follow sending 2 messages.
- Removed FastBoard.
- Removed spectator description message.
How to update?
There are two configurations changes you must do:
lore configuration to the following:
You also need to remove the potion statistics fromYAML:POTIONS-BUTTON: NAME: '&cHealth Potions' MATERIAL: SPLASH_POTION DURABILITY: 16421 LORE: - "" - "&c<player> &fhad &c<count> &cpotion(s) &fleft." - "" - " &c❘ &fPotions Thrown: &c<potionsThrown>" - " &c❘ &fPotions Missed: &c<potionsMissed>" - " &c❘ &fPotion Accuracy: &c<potionAccuracy>"
2) Adding tournament hotbar configuration inhotbar.yml
. Add the following above thePARKOUR
section inLOBBY
layout, make sure to have the same indents and spaces.
- Added pearl removal logic upon player death.
- Added per player entities cache.
- Added division mini-logo placeholder.
- Added a warning for null profile in ProfileHistory.
- Added configuration for party chat.
- Fixed Boxing combo threshold.
- Fixed settings menu hook lore placeholders
- Fixed product not being marked as bought.
- Fixed party being null for profiles.
- Fixed another item being consumed with glass bottle removal.
- Fixed statistics revert logic for win streaks.
- Fixed fall damage being disabled for bed-fight.
- Fixed round start resetting match timer.
- Fixed follow logic being broken when state changes.
- Fixed ApolloAPI not marking some matches ranked.
- Fixed TNT Sumo clay not being colored.
- Fixed MLGRush breaking bed at the same time.
- Fixed PartyDuelMenu formatting breaking with a few players.
- Fixed player not being reset when leaving a party which is in a match.
- Fixed portal and protection radius not saving for duplicates.
- Fixed TeamFight/HCT not registering to tournaments as a kit.
- Allowed using spectator items when in vanish.
- Update visibility when vanish is toggled.
- Use player-head instead of nether star for profile menu item.
- Added {main_color}, {second_color}, {third_color}, with configs in settings.yml. (PAPI: %bolt_main%, %bolt_second%, %bolt_third%).
- Added Phoenix as a soft-depend for phoenix buyers.
- Added Placeholder and bordered mode config for Queue type menu.
- Allowed empty special locations to prevent arena startup errors.
- Made nametags update faster.
- Optimized Tablist adapter to stop sorting every tick.
- Reverted all performance weakening changes.
- Updated PacketEvents and NameTagAPI.
- Updated ImagineBreaker (You no longer need --add-opens arguments to run on modern java).
- Fixed ending scoreboard error spam.
- Fixed arena allocation logic being broken resulting in stuck-in-use arenas.
- Fixed menu and hotbar PAPI support.
- Fixed being able to duel your own party member.
- Fixed OITQ bow damaging own team.
- Fixed last being self for arrows.
- Fixed certain items not being marked unbreakable. (Fixes weird swing animation)
- Fixed build logic for volatile locations in bedfight matches.
- Fixed Spectate scoreboard ending placeholders.
Note: Please restart your servers in order for changes to take effect.
- Added configuration for HCF-TeamFight class limits.
- Added tournament reset cooldown command.
- Added proper phoenix settings implementation by @Creaxx.
- Added vanilla chunk arena reset, extremely stable and works on all spigots.
- Added an option to toggle chunk caching for chunk reset systems.
- Added manual selection for portal cuboid. (Make sure to do /arena setProtectionRadius 3 for Bridge arenas.)
- Added spawn protection radius configuration.
- Added menu button sound configuration.
- Added title fade in, stay and fade out ticks configuration.
- Added kit editor refill button for potions. L @Elb1to.
- Added Kit description for Queue menus. (<kit_description>, /kit setDescription)
- Added edge detector for Bots, so they don't suicide.
- Fixed inventory source null pointer in MatchInventoryMenu.
- Fixed null pointer in BoltScoreboardAdapter#getLines.
- Fixed Infinite pitch error in SquidLauncherEffect.
- Fixed Hotbar Cooldown being bypassed.
- Fixed PartyDuelMenu erroring in some circumstances.
- Fixed reversed condition in tournament console host command.
- Fixed bard passive effects not working.
- Fixed Respawn task teleporting you to previous killers.
- Fixed match start chunk load lag.
- Fixed invisible players on certain matches.
- Fixed block liquid replace logic for matches.
- Fixed pearl launch sound still being sent when cancelled.
- Fixed explosion damage bypass not working.
- Fixed Party nametags not being reloaded.
- Fixed divisions sorting in Tablist when Phoenix is enabled.
- Fixed match cancellation still allowing start task to function.
- Only assign Diamond classes on party join.
- Decreased HCTeams ticking task.
- Don't allow bots in special game-modes.
- Made chunk arena reset partially async.
- Recoded arena reset type configurations.
- Forced chunk reset system on modern versions.
- Auto set queue slots according to kit size.
- Prevent interaction if profile is null.
Note: Please restart your servers in order for changes to take effect.
- Removed ProtocolLib dependency.
- Removed NameTagAPI thread system.
- Added XP Taken message if exp is removed.
- Added an option to disable loser exp.
- Added event hotbar items.
- Fixed double bots being loaded into match team.
- Fixed Liquid listener not killing if no movement is detected.
- Fixed Winner/Loser XP message being invalid.
- Fixed RandomQueueButton having issues with duo logic.
- Fixed Null pointer in MatchHandler#terminateMatch.
- Fixed parallel portal score.
- Prevent liquid from flowing outside the arenas
- Sort by division if rank is same in tablist.
- Allowed leaving event if its started.
Note: Please restart your servers for changes to take effect.
- Disable spectate matches menu for now.
- Added Phoenix Settings implementation. (Properly)
- Added <tab_player_slot> placeholder global. (tablist.yml)
- Added <tab_player_formatted_slot> placeholder global. (tablist.yml)
- Added an option disable tablist for 1.7 players.
- Added a config option for formatted tab name.
- Added death stats tracking and it's placeholder.
- Added an elo reset command.
- Added <your_skin> placeholder to BoltTablistAdapter.
- Added Kit#isAntiDrop kit rule.
- Added Kit toggle command.
Note: Please restart your servers for changes to take effect.
- Fixed Tablist ranks sorting not working properly.
- Fixed arena resetting logic for water/lava.
- Fixed Disguised name being revealed on leaderboards.
- Fixed coloring mistake in KitCommands.
- Fixed spectators throwing away items.
- Fixed hotbar interaction logic.
- Fixed party size limit logic.
- Fixed sumo event teleportation bug.
- Fixed Bow timer returning arrow outside of match.
- Reset match timers on match terminate.
- Fixed Kit setup being broken.
- Fixed "Comparison method violates its general contract!"
- Fixed fly remaining after match for some players.
- Improved Tablist API CPU usage and general performance.
- Used proper conventions for sorting.
- Header/footer now updates periodically.
- Don't reveal disguise names with Follow command.
- Clear item flags on StatsButton.
- Added config options for progress bars.
- Added a config option to disable spawn teleport on join.
- Added Vanilla Tablist sorting.
- Added logic to show those vanished players in tab that you should see.
- Added null safety and opponent placeholder to win/loss commands.
Note: Please restart your servers for changes to take effect.
- Fixed default progress bar colors.
- Fixed TeamFight showing up even when off.
- Fixed Profile history null pointer
- Fixed Modern retention phoenix hook support.
- Fixed UnsupportedOperationException for getting team in FFA Match.
- Improved Win/Loss cmd logic.
- Fixed BoltTablistAdapter console spam.
- Fixed Negative ELO
- Fixed XP Bar progress showing up in match.
- Fixed Flame arrow not working.
- Separated team colors for spectators in team matches.
Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- Fixed CalculationUtil null pointer issue.
- Fixed Bard logic for Effect Restorer.
- Fixed division progress not adapting in certain conditions.
- Fixed Party TeamFight not working in duels.