
Reviews 5.00 star(s) 12 reviews

best practice core
This is really an extraordinary practice plugin and I can definitely vouch for its various features compared to its competitors. It also has some of the best practice bots in the competition. Lots of customizability options available, though there is some room for improvement in this area. Bugs are experienced from time to time but those are attended to really quickly if reported. Other than that, this is worth much more than the price paid for.
At first bolt wasn't good enough but cause of the greatest support team I have ever seen in my 4 years making Minecraft servers experience they showed they have the best support ever. Right now, we are running bolt and carbon for over 300+ players and we only had something like 10% CPU usages, I'm rating bolt 10/10 if you actually buy carbon too cause carbon + bolt could give you so many features and smoother PVP experience!
Best Practice Core, its really good and the support is amazing!
Amazing practice core.
The best practice core I have ever used!

My compliments to the developers!
The best plugin practice, optimized for little server. Very good !
Plugin is 10x better then frost and cheaper i don't know why you would get frost simple as that.
Best practice core I've seen so far ngl pretty impressive and good work from drizzy and creaxx here bots are nice and easy to config and daily updates, way better than frost
Best budget practice core
Excellent Practice Plugin
GOOD WORK, very nice practice plugin, Chinese mean: 牛逼!