Search results

  1. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.12

    Added - Made MOTD System be cached every second instead of per player request Fixed - Small permissions fixes - Fix GrantsMenu CME Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
  2. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.9

    Added - Remade bukkit.yml -> settings.yml **(The settings have changed so you can't just copy paste!)** - Added support for ``.`` geyser prefix - Added alert sound Fixed - Fixed spelling mistakes - Fixed /mclogs path traversal - Fix hex colors being broken in hover Note: Please restart your...
  3. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.7

    Added - Made 2FA only require core.2fa - Moved /tagsadmin into /tags (New Permission: core.command.tags.admin) - Added Placeholders: %phoenix_player_rank_name%, %phoenix_player_general_rank_name% Fixed - Fixed enchantments and general item flags showing on menu items - Fixed 2FA QRCode being...
  4. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.6 (Proxy Only)

    Added - Added sorting to /domainstats - Optimized MOTD System Fixed - Fixed {centered} in motd - Fixed use of section sign in default config
  5. Creaxx

    ADDON Quark - 1.3

    Added - Added Parkour System (/parkour) - Recoded Hotbar System, Ability to add custom items (TY Bermine) Fixed - Fixed a bunch of bugs i cant remember
  6. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.6

    Added - Added the ability to staffhistory, staffrollback and granthistory the console (/granthistory 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) - Added a limit for /rank tools players to prevent database lag Fixed - Fixed QRCode on 1.20.4 - Fixed Vanished Nametag player color not working - Fixed...
  7. Creaxx

    ADDON pxCosmetics - 1.2

    Added - Cleaned up the whole project - Made the effects themselves use less resources - Switch to new NMSApi Fixed - Fixed kill effects causing issues on 1.20.4 - Fixed random chat color not including all chat colors - Fixed issue where projectile trails would show in the cosmetics menu even...
  8. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.5

    Added - Added /tagsadmin import & export to tags.json - Major performance optimizations - Added /wipewarns & /wipekicks - Added the name when multiple profiles have the same name on cracked servers - Recode Login system - Added /playtime - Added Config Sync System (/phoenix config) Fixed -...
  9. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.4

    Fixed - Fixed issue with ProxyCheck AntiVPN Provider
  10. Creaxx

    DISCONTINUED pxDiscord - 1.1

    Added - Added the ability to customize the status of the bot Removed - Removed the channel restriction from /sync Note: Please restart your server for changes to take effect!
  11. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.3

    Added - Optimized profile memory usage a bit - Added ``%phoenix_player_channel%, %phoenix_server_status%, %phoenix_server_status_<server>%`` placeholders Fixed - Fixed an error when migrating from LuckPerms - Fixed PermissionsDB not working on newer versions - Fixed disguise on 1.20.4 Note...
  12. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix - 1.6.2

    Added Optimized alt check on join Added /filter edit Made /alts executable from console Fixed Fixed NamelessMC Support Fixed filters for the same word not showing up properly Fixed socialspy message sending for target Fixed punished alts not working sometimes Note: Please restart your...
  13. Creaxx

    DISCONTINUED pxDiscord 1.1

    pxDiscord is being replaced and is no longer for sale! YOU MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER AFTER PURCHASING AT You can test pxCosmetics at IP: An advanced Discord Sync plugin that provides a plethora of features to enhance your minecraft and discord server. Its...
  14. Creaxx

    ADDON pxCosmetics 1.2

    WARNING! THIS PRODUCT REQUIRES PHOENIX CORE! YOU MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER AFTER PURCHASING AT You can test pxCosmetics at IP: An advanced Cosmetics plugin that provides a plethora of cosmetics to enhance any server by adding donator features. pxCosmetics...
  15. Creaxx

    ADDON Quark 1.4

    WARNING! THIS PRODUCT REQUIRES PHOENIX CORE! YOU MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER AFTER PURCHASING AT You can test Quark at IP: An advanced modern Hub plugin that hooks in with Phoenix and pxQueue. Quark currently supports the Minecraft versions: 1.7.10, 1.8.8...
  16. Creaxx

    PLUGIN Phoenix 1.8.8

    YOU MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER AFTER PURCHASING AT You can test Phoenix at IP: An advanced Network Core plugin that provides a plethora of features to enhance any server administration experience. Phoenix core is compatible with multiple plugins and comes with...