- Added options for modern versions of rank (Prefix, Suffix, PlayerlistPrefix, Color, DisplayName)
- Optimized Punishment commands
- Added /reblacklist
- Improve alts system
- Added DISABLED_COMMANDS to Velocity and BungeeCord

- Fixed CONTAINS filter not being ignore case

Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- Added proper Fallback System (config.yml **Proxy**)
- Added /rank perm set-scopes for a specific permission

- Fixed servers saving metadata older than 7d
- Fixed searching in command help menus
- Fixed sender is not a player with multiple users with same name

If you use pxVelocity/pxBungee redownload it from the website.
Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- Added 1.21.2 & 1.21.3 & 1.21.4 support
- Added new ConfigAPI
- Added configurable hastebin URL
- Made it so you need to use the PacketEvents plugin for NameTags and Tablist to work

- Fixed issue with the placeholders in /tag prefix

Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- Added 1.21.2 & 1.21.3 support
- Made CustomTags length configurable
- Added more customization for ModMode & Vanished NameTags
- Added redis username config option

- Fixed bold hex colors breaking /grant

Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- New CommandAPI
- Added /watchlist for pxStaff

- Fixed issues with 1.21 & 1.21.1 Support **Requires a Retention redownload!**
- Fixed Staff switch message on bungee breaking
- Fixed error when using PermissionAttachment#addAttachment
- Fixed issue with config sync
- New CommandAPI
- Added /watchlist for pxStaff

- Fixed issues with 1.21 & 1.21.1 Support Requires a Retention redownload!
- Fixed Staff switch message on bungee breaking
- Fixed error when using PermissionAttachment#addAttachment
- Fixed issue with config sync

Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- Full 1.21 & 1.21.1 Support (Paper/Pufferfish/Purpur Only)
- Optimizations to ChatChannel system
- Added support for relation PAPI Placeholders in Chat
- Recoded Whitelist System

- Fixed Tag Placeholder not being translated
- Fixed 2FA QRCode breaking sometimes
- Fixed shadow mute not applying for /message
- Fixed not being sent from auth servers if 2FA
- Fixed /stafflist & /medialist causing an npe sometimes
- Added serverswitch prevention when being 2faed

- Fixed core.cooldowns.bypass not working
- Fixed /disguiseadmin disguise not throwing error properly

Note: Please restart your servers for the changes to take place.
- Added /analytics
- Added default 2FA method when doing /setup2fa

- Fixed core.2fa being specifically required for 2FA
- Fixed proxy commands not being cancelled when in 2FA
- Fixed /setup2fa not tab completing 2fa methods
- Added Analytics to Server/Proxies (Right Cick in Servers/ProxiesMenu)
- Added message on login when server is scheduled to reboot for admins
- Added message on login when you dont need to 2FA
- Added error when providing an invalid duration for temp punishments
- Added ability to only let players tab complete commands they have access to
- Made /shadowmute also work for /message
- Switched to better Jedis implementation

- Fixed bukkit ChildPermissions not being enabled
- Fixed reboot message and title not being sent to all players
- Fixed /user cleargrants not always updating nametag properly
- Fixed permanent grants overwriting temporary ones