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Announcing Nova
Nova is a premium all-in-one discord bot in its early stages of development.
With the introduction of Nova, pxDiscord is no longer for sale and will not receive any feature updates.

Nova's togglable module system allows you to choose exactly what features you want and what should be disabled.
Each module has detailed configuration: messages, embeds, behavior, settings, and more can be personalized to your liking.

So far, I've focused on the core systems and functionality of the bot, and have implemented all of the features pxDiscord had into Nova.
This includes the Phoenix, Minecraft, Heartbeat, Counting, Welcome and Sync modules which can be previewed here in the previews channel.

And with all of the pxDiscord features implemented, Nova is at the stage where it can act as a replacement.
Nova is definitely not considered finished, there is a lot to still be done, here is what i will be working on now and into the future:

Bolt Integration, Chat Games, User Action Logging (basically audit log), Moderation / Staff Commands, Punishments, Reports, Reaction Roles, Auto React, Sticky Messages, NamelessMC Integration, Profile System, Leveling Module, Giveaway Module, Ticket System, and way more.

Some off these planned features are actually already or partly implemented, but will be disabled by default unless requested as they are unfinished and unpolished, and I don't feel comfortable having these accessible by default.

This kind of alpha release is mostly for people to make suggestions and help in the development of the bot, so please reach out if you are interested.

First lets talk about pricing, Nova's base price will be 25 EUR, and will go down to 20 EUR with sales.
Existing pxDiscord Customers can purchase Nova for 15 EUR always, but dont get a sale discount.

As this is an alpha release, Nova will not be purchasable on our website.
Please create a ticket in the discord if you are interested in purchasing.

Supported payment methods for Nova include: PayPal, Stripe (and in the future crypto based payments)

Nova is hosted by you, so you need to make a discord bot in the discord developer portal, there is a detailed setup guild once purchased.

A loader system similar to Retention (our minecraft plugin loader) is used to ensure you are always on the latest version after a restart.
Nova is coded in TypeScript and runs completely independently from a minecraft server instance, as it is a standalone bot.

The only requirement is that you install which is a JavaScript runtime, Nova deeply integrates with bun, so other runtimes like NodeJS and Deno cannot be used. Furthermore, Nova can be used on all popular operating systems (Linux, Windows and MacOS)

Additionally a mongodb database is required, (for some modules redis is required also, currently, phoenix/sync)
Digital product
License duration
25.00 EUR
First release
Last update


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